Friday, June 27, 2014

WK4 Reflection: Publish Final Draft

There are a few things I wanted to change for this Draft. I really like the way it is shaping up and will submit it for a One Star portfolio project. I also intend to put together at least one other Transmedia Short Story as a portfolio project. I have a few more things I want to do to make it Portfolio ready but here is what i have so far.

The things I changed;

The video interview. I changed the perspective. Instead of my daughter interviewing me about the story I interviewed for as the character from the story.

The Blog: I changed perspective on this as well. The blog is now from the main characters perspective. The content is similar and gets the same information across but ties into the story instead of just explaining the stroy.

The Path: I changed the order of the way the content is discovered. I feel like the new path is a little more linear. It also requires a little more searching to find all the pieces. 

Thanks for the great class and the introduction to such an incredible "experimental" art form.


Start new path: here.

New content assets here.

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