Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Transmedia Fairy Tale Story Element Map

Hi Everyone,

My Story elements Map is Here.

1. Looking at the map I would start with the littlest Billy Goat hosting a Bigger and better scavenger hunt through his Facebook page. It would be an open game where people could register and post pictures of what they had traded up to get. Everyone would start off with the same item, a plastic farm animal toy. For anyone that is unfamiliar with a bigger and better scavenger hunt the rules are pretty simple. All contestants start off with a similar item and go out and ask people to trade for something bigger OR better. This can lead to some fun pictures. The contestants with the best photo or story will be the winner.

2. Around the same time the troll will start a Pinterest page of unique bridges. This could also include troll sculptures. The page can be linked to anyone that joined in on the Facebook scavenger hunt. This can be a way to build more interest in the story.

3. For the story portion I imagine another podcast of a reading of the story and a short history of the stories evolution. Discuss where and when it originated and some of the notable retelling. This could eventually become an ongoing series for fairy tales.

4. The Middle goat will have a blog about working as a cohesive unit with family members. It will be about the trials and rewards of going into business with family members and how it helped him reach his goals. He can document successful businesses that are run by families or that were passed down through family ties.         

5. The Biggest and Littlest Goat will start a podcast documenting, reviewing and rating trails they have hiked. The ratings will include how pristine the bridges were and how bountiful the grassy fields were.

6. Finally the troll will create a LinkedIn page looking for a new job. It would be a fun way to tie in the use of the site and another social media avenue to bring together the people that got involved in the story and scavenger hunt.

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