Friday, June 13, 2014

GTS WK2 Analysis: Why Create Transmedia

                 The term transmedia storytelling isn’t too hard to wrap your head around. It’s the telling of story through multiple media sources. According to Humperdinck Sneezebottom there is a West Coast, or Hollywood, way of telling a story and an East Coast way. The West coast transmedia Storytellers have just broadened the basics of presentation. They now tell it over several mediums as the case with Southland Tales.  It was a fairly under rated movie that left a lot of people confused. But The Three Comic books and fake web site that were released before the movie did a lot of background development of the characters and the world the story takes place in.
                East Coast Transmedia stories verge more on the Alternate Reality Gaming line. They get the audience to participate rather than just spectate. A good East Coast style example is actually revolved around a movie also. When the Dark Knight movie was early in its promotion stages the advertising team called for Joker fans to submit photos of themselves in full Joker make up at landmark sights in their home towns. The participation and interactivity aspect of these events moves closer to the East Coast style.
                The examples give earlier are all transmedia for the sake of marketing. Getting the audience involved to get them personally invested to promote a movie or idea. Another example of this was I Love Bee’s promo for Halo. The players got a message from a Bee Enthusiast web site giving them directions to a pay phone and a time. When the call came it was only a partial message that they had to put together as a community. Then there is Transmedia for the sake of art. The story of the Village Girl and the Teenbot by Christy Dena and her team is a story just to be a story. They are not promoting anything. There are a few examples of the Village girl web site that fall into this category, most lean towards alternate reality gaming ideas but are still just for the sake of art.  Guardians of Hidden Universe  and DIY SPY are both great examples of ARG projects. They require an app for hosting and instruction but the game play is in the real world.
                Both the marketing strategy and art model are a lot of fun and require a great deal of planning to succeed. The enthusiasm produced by the audience is unquestionably effective. It is clear that these types of campaigns will be seen more and the field for transmedia is growing. The biggest difference I can see is that sometimes it is nice to get involved in a story without the feeling that you are being pitched to. No matter how elaborate the marketing campaign is on some level you know you are just a potential customer.
                My end of the week project is taking shape. I have contacted a friend about possible creating some art for my web comic. I have finished the story and will be recording this week end. My daughter and I have been working out questions she wants to ask for the interview. A lot of the bulk creation work will be done this weekend.

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