Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Transmedia Short Story Element Map

Hi Class,

Here is the Basic brainstorm Map for my Little One Feather  Transmedia Project.

Little One Feather is a story I started working on with my wife a few years ago while watching my daughter play with bubbles with her Grammy. The story developed into a fun little children’s story that has been sitting mostly unfinished in a notebook and in my head since. After reading the articles about traditional story arch I have some good direction on how to clean it up and finish it. The story will still be geared towards a younger audience but because of the simplicity of the story and the origin of the characters, it lends well to a transmedia model.
The Foundation will be a “podcast” of me reading the finished story. After words I will mention the web comic with the introduction of Z Girl, the main character of the story. At the end of the Comic will be a hyperlink to a YouTube video of the interview with my daughter (the inspiration for the story) interviewing me (the author). The video will be posted on YouTube with will also have links to the Pinterest Page and Blog entry for origins of the other characters in the story. The Blog entry will also have Links back to all elements of the transmedia story.
Like I mentioned this is a story I have been kicking around for some time and I am excited to se it come to life in such a multifaceted way.

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