Thursday, March 19, 2015

Week 3 Practice: Company Questions

Answering the questions is only part of the interview. When asked if you have any questions for them it shows a lack of interest in the position to not have a few ready to go. The next step is to know the right questions to ask to not give off the wrong impression. Here are a few of the ones I will put in my back pocket.

1.      Who held this position previously? Why is he/she leaving the role?
a.       Knowing where the previous person is going could help understand the permanence of the role. It would also be nice to see how long they held that position. Did they get promoted or did they leave the company. The answers could tell a little about how the role is viewed within the company.

2.      What do you like most about working for this company?
a.       The interviewer should have some good things to say about the company they are hiring for. Leave the question open ended could lead to some unexpected answers.

3.      Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?
a.       I liked this one because it seems a little more practical then meeting the team before you are hired.  It can also  be a good indication of an outsiders opinion of the team you are going to work for. The interviewer my not have specifics on the individuals, but this is more to gauge your work teams professional image.

4.      What's your timeline for making a decision, and when can I expect to hear back from you?
a.       I like this one because it is important to plan on following up. If I know when they are planning to make the decision I can better plan when to call for a follow up. The wording also shows confidence that I will be called back.

5.      What constitutes success at this position and this firm?
a.       I think it’s a good idea to go into a situation knowing how to be successful. It will also be useful to know what to expect in the first couple of months. The question also shows that you are expecting to make a difference right from the start.

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