Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week 2 Analysis: Elevator Pitch Examples

There are a lot of good examples of the elevator pitch on YouTube. It was a little difficult sifting through all the tutorials and finding actual elevator pitches. The competition winners were great and really well rehearsed which is what you want from an elevator pitch, but not sound too rehearsed. Knowing what to look for in others will help us write and execute our own pitches later this month.

The Good:
Besides all the competition winners, I liked this one. The content includes the problem and a recommended solution. He speaks clearly and the audio is great. The video clarity is a little hazy but nothing that would distract too much from the content.
The Bad:
Although this one is well put together it is not an elevator pitch. It tells a little about the product and has a bit of humor but will not fit in an elevator. The whole idea is to be able to pitch yourself and your product anywhere to anyone.
The Ugly:
This one has a pretty good pitch idea and rhythm. I clearly understand what he wants to do and he gets a lot of information in his 30 seconds. The lighting is awful, sitting inform of the window with the light streaming in and an up shot so he is looking down are not appealing. The sound quality is poor also, I had to really focus to understand what he was saying.

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