Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Week 1 Project: Proposal & Wireframe


The Goal of this web-site is go get the name of No’ Owie out to the people that will benefit from the services. We will make a Site that is easy to follow and intuitive to navigate. Our website will be appealing to the client as well as their family; our goal is to bring peace of mind to all involved.
We can get this site online for $500.00 which will get the site built active and hosted for one year. Because of the scale of the project we can have it built and in testing in one week and live in one more week.
After the contract is signed we can meet up and work on the style, color and aesthetics of your new website. Getting you name and face out there is the first step to broadening your audience base and bringing in new clients.  

Wire Frame:

I went with Mockingbird to make my Wire Frame. It was a pretty easy program to figure out and I like how the mock up came out. The navigation tools were really easy to install. You can check out the whole mock up Here. The Website is a little sparse but I wanted to keep it easy to navigate for the intended audience with limited technical experience.

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