Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Week 1 Practice: Target Audience


For this assignment I am including the whole progression to the final description.

Business or Entity:
No’ Owie
Target Audience Characteristics:
Elderly, Needs in home care, Middle class, Technologically Limited, Has Middle Age Children, Digital Immigrant, Prefers large print, Drawn to Clean Lines, likes pictures, Seeks Professionalism yet nurturing, not rushed, Discerning, Care-Oriented, Not Busy.

Business or Entity:
No’ Owie
Target Audience Profile:
The target audience for No’ Owie are Elderly and in need of some amount of in home care. They are not busy but their extended family is. The need for a professional caregiver is felt by the whole family. The target audience is not technically savvy and therefore needs to find what they are looking for with limited navigation and large easy to read font. They prefer a minimal design with lots of pictures. This audience needs to be made to feel comforted and appreciated. They are looking for someone with a nurturing and professional manner.

Business or Entity:
No’ Owie
Ideal Visitor Description:
The ideal visitor to an MCBS student portfolio site is a family with and elderly member in need of in home care. They are looking for a nurturing professional with understanding of their needs and situation, to care for their loved ones like a member of the family.

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