Thursday, May 29, 2014

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Self-Evaluation

Here is my RISE elf Evaluation



Portfolio Project Submission 2: Roof Pig Logo

Hi All,

For this submission I present the logo for my brand: Roof Pig. I was looking for an idea I could expand upon and build up and my brand expands. I took inspiration from a few of my favorites like Mutant Enemy, Bad Robot and A Brand Apart that all have recognizable characters that have evolved with the brand. I plan to eventually add animation the the character. You can find the first appearance of Roof Pig on my site Here.

I am very interested in the use of logos and the whole culture of branding. I hope to get more into the creation of logos. I am currently working on one for a friend that I will present here pretty soon.

Star Rating Sought:

2 stars. I was thrown in with my Web Development class but it was an Addition that was not Required.

Project Description:

This will be the Logo for my Portfolio brand. I will continue to develop and build upon the base to give life to the logo.

Link to Deliverable:

The image is located right now on Roof Pig web site.

Feedback Received:

Resources Utilized:

I built the image in photoshop and am hosting the site on

Week 4 Reflection: Project Revision

Hi Class,

There were a few changes I wanted to make after the review and seeing some other sites.

1. I rearranged the header. I was a little crowed. I moved the picture of Harry down to the body, it stayed on every page but now it scrolls up. The No 'Owie logo is a little smaller and fits the title.
2. I added a testimonials page. This is an idea i borrowed from Irsi, I liked the way it looked and felt it add a lot to the site.
3. I gave the Logo a higher and more noticeable location. The first iteration of the site had it buried. This established brand identification and recognition.

The mobile site is up and running as well.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Feedback

Here is a Link to Cupcake Express website built by Iris Beltran.

Before I start with the Rise review I wanted to say this web site is great. The colors are perfect for a cupcake web site.

Reflect -The lay out and information provided is well thought out and easy to access. I like roving locations page and the maps available for each one. The testimonials page look great, this is something I could incorporate into my No'Owie site. I had a few spread throughout the pages coupled with photos, but I feel like I had enough testimonials that having there own page is a great idea.

Inquire -You definitely highlighted the mobility of the company and the diversity of the menu with the daily specials. Was that the part of the company you wanted to highlight? In the growing field of cupcakes this is a unique niche and to highlight it on the web site is a great plan.

Suggest -A short video about the company or the owners introduction could help. It would add a little bit of personality. I know we didn't get that as a part of the information package, but I think his story of having his daughter and deciding to open the business are touching.

Elevate -The only Suggestion I might make is to add a calendar on the locations page for reservation scheduling. Knowing when the truck is available or where it will be would make requesting  special appearance easier. The web site and lay out are so clean and colorful and puts the veiwer in the mood for a delectable treat. Great job.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Week 3 Project: Portfolio Skeleton

Hi Class,

Here is the web site for Roof Pig Media. I am pretty excited for the idea and I can see it coming together pretty well. I have a few media projects that i need to get presentation ready but they will have a home on this site.

I feel pretty good about the web site being my public face. there are a few additions I still want to make. A few things to add would be an intro video, separate paves for categories like video and audio, and a page just for portfolio projects.

Part of the requirement for the MCPP projects is to have them presentation ready. The web-site is a great way to present a project as get it out to the public.

I really like the way my portfolio page turned out. eventually it will be a place to house my projects for the MCPP classes, but for now it has just a few of my recent personal projects.

My skills page needs some work. I have an idea of shat needs to be there but i need of categorize an catalogue my skill sets and what programs and tools I am familiar with.

I am pretty proud of what I have so far. I really like my logo. It is fun and I think I can play with it a bit to give it some animation.

  • Looking forward

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Week 3 Certification: Up and Running with HTML

Hi Class,

Here is the certificate of completion for HTML5. This was pretty helpful because Wix is based in HTML5. Knowing some of the ins and outs might help with getting deeper into the set up and getting away from the basic templates.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Week 3 Analysis: Portfolio Inspiration

This was a fun exerciser. I liked looking at what else is out there and I got a few good ideas as to what I want my site to look like. Here is the link to my YouTube video for the full story.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 3 Exploration: Portfolio Inventory

Hi Class,

I made a few changes to my questionnaire, I separated a few of the questions and I added one about where the content was coming from. The new questionnaire is here.

I took the survey myself with my portfolio site in mind. This was a good exercise I actually learned a lot about what I want and what I need to research to get a better idea on what I want. My answers to the survey are here.


Monday, May 19, 2014

MCPP Portfolio Project Submission: No'Owie Mobile Site

Blog Post Title: No'Owie Mobile Site.

Star Rating Sought: 1

Project Description: I am using the No'Owie Project form my Web Design class and going a little further with it. I will take the Web Site I designed on Wix a little further and develop the Mobile site a little. 

Link to Deliverable:

Resources Utilized:

For this project I used a lot of the same material from my Web Design Class. I used the software to manipulate the desktop site into the mobile site. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Week 2 Project: Site Launch

Hi All,

Here is the full launch site for No'Owie.

 I can see where having a comprehensive list of everything you need from the client is very important. I was able to provide everything from the wire frame and the proposal. But I found a few things missing is I was putting together the site. Contact information like address, phone number, and e-mail or more information about packages and pricing. I was able to put the available information where it belongs but a little more information would be useful. 

The most challenging aspect was learning the new software. I like Wix and plan to explore it a lot more. The interface is very intuitive and has many useful apps. They also have a mobile site builder. It would have been helpful to go deeper into the business side of Harry's venture. I also think the Site could be rounded out a bit with photos of Harry with is clients to give it a more personal touch. I feel like that is one thing that will set his site apart from the competition, all the other sites we researched show many different employee's helping clients. With Harry he adds the personal touch of being the only employee.  


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week 2 Practice: Mock-Up

Hi readers,

Finally got my Mock up on-line. Thanks for the extension and the understanding. So far only the Home page is set up for No'Owie but I'll be able to get the other pages soon.

Click Here to see the home page.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Week 2 Analysis: Web Basics

            There was not a lot that surprised me in this video. I would say I am intimidated by some aspects of design. I know enough about html, CSS, and JavaScript to know that I don’t have much patience for it. It is nice to know some of the basics but I don’t intend to get that deep into web design. I agree that like any other field to be a true “professional” you must dedicate a lot of time and effort to honing your craft. The parts that intrigue me are a little more accessible. I am more of a Hobbyist, or a working professional at most. I enjoy tinkering around in DreamWeaver and iWeb to create websites for projects I’m working on the share with friends and family. And it really is easy to get a site up and running in no time.
             I imagine my future need for working on the web will be similar to my needs now. When I have a professional project that needs web support I feel comfortable building and maintaining a site. If I come to a project that requires something beyond my understanding there are professionals to turn to. Even now there are so many resources out there to help you develop and tailor the perfect site that it really only depends on how much time you want to devote to making the site.
            A few of the topic I will explore some more on my own are blogs, Web servers, and app building. Blogs are pretty diverse now and have many features to help get your content online. I have this one for school. There are a lot of features I have never explored and a few blog sites out there that have even more. Knowing the full range of what I can do might give a great alternative to building a full website. I have worked a little with web servers and, much like blogs, only scratched the surface of what they can do. Most specifically I want to explore setting up web site specific e-mail. I think this could be a useful tool and adds a bit of professionalism. Last is app building, it is a mobile world and the need for multi-platform web presence is only going to grow.
            I’m not sure if it will affect my approach, but it has definitely given me a lot to think about. I am still on the fence about using a blog type set up or building in an app like iWeb. I am more familiar with iWeb, but a blog set up would be easier to get online and wouldn’t require a separate host web server. Think of the client as well, a blog set up would be easier to maintain and update.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 2 Practice: Content Organization

Page Discription Have/Need Notes
About Harry's History X  
Home Picture of Harry with Clients    
Home Video intro of Harry    
All Logo's x  
About Testimonials x  
All Color Scheme x  
  Web Site Name     
Location Map of local area    
Prices Prices    
Prices Packages    
Contact Phone Numbers and Email    

Week 2 Exploration: Mood Board

Hi Class,
This is a very rough draft of a Mood Sheet. I plan to come back and give it some more detail when I have access to a better internet connection. I was able to get the colors and Lay out. The Font styles and better pictures will be later. Unfortunately I am a little limited on capability for another week.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Week 1 Certification: Writing Articles

Just finished the Lynda course for Writing Articles. It gave me some ideas about what to look at for my next project.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 1 Analysis: Competitor Research




   The site I chose to work on was Harry’s No’Owie in home care. I liked this concept because it is an idea that could really work. I checked into a few Senior In-home Care service sites and found a few trends that might work and a few that will set Harry apart.
            First we will look at a few of the trends on the other sites. The most common and glaringly obvious was the picture. All the sites showed a young adult helping or being active with a senior. Some like Absolute Senior Care have fancy graphics to switch the photo, whereas “Live to Love” is more like a news article with simple stationary pictures. I think the simple format and soft colors that run through all the sites work for the target audience.
            I think the biggest difference these sites have from Harry’s business is that his feel like there is a bit more of a personal touch. Most of the sites with multiple pictures show a different employee with each client. Harry’s business feels like he personally will be going to meet with and help each client. I feel like that’s an angle we could use on the site.
            The muted colors and large print that runs through all the sites is a good idea considering the audience, which is something I would like to use on the site for No’Owie. A few of the key works that I noticed on the sites are “trust” and “care” these are easy to work in especially if we are playing the small business angle.
            All the sites are playing to an older audience. With the use of Large Font, soft colors, large photos, and simple page layout. The nurturing words like “care”, “friendly”, ‘trust” and “home” are all more for the client’s family. It is there to give them peace of mind about their loved ones. These are all aspects we should use in the new site.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Week 1 Practice: Target Audience


For this assignment I am including the whole progression to the final description.

Business or Entity:
No’ Owie
Target Audience Characteristics:
Elderly, Needs in home care, Middle class, Technologically Limited, Has Middle Age Children, Digital Immigrant, Prefers large print, Drawn to Clean Lines, likes pictures, Seeks Professionalism yet nurturing, not rushed, Discerning, Care-Oriented, Not Busy.

Business or Entity:
No’ Owie
Target Audience Profile:
The target audience for No’ Owie are Elderly and in need of some amount of in home care. They are not busy but their extended family is. The need for a professional caregiver is felt by the whole family. The target audience is not technically savvy and therefore needs to find what they are looking for with limited navigation and large easy to read font. They prefer a minimal design with lots of pictures. This audience needs to be made to feel comforted and appreciated. They are looking for someone with a nurturing and professional manner.

Business or Entity:
No’ Owie
Ideal Visitor Description:
The ideal visitor to an MCBS student portfolio site is a family with and elderly member in need of in home care. They are looking for a nurturing professional with understanding of their needs and situation, to care for their loved ones like a member of the family.

Week 1 Project: Proposal & Wireframe


The Goal of this web-site is go get the name of No’ Owie out to the people that will benefit from the services. We will make a Site that is easy to follow and intuitive to navigate. Our website will be appealing to the client as well as their family; our goal is to bring peace of mind to all involved.
We can get this site online for $500.00 which will get the site built active and hosted for one year. Because of the scale of the project we can have it built and in testing in one week and live in one more week.
After the contract is signed we can meet up and work on the style, color and aesthetics of your new website. Getting you name and face out there is the first step to broadening your audience base and bringing in new clients.  

Wire Frame:

I went with Mockingbird to make my Wire Frame. It was a pretty easy program to figure out and I like how the mock up came out. The navigation tools were really easy to install. You can check out the whole mock up Here. The Website is a little sparse but I wanted to keep it easy to navigate for the intended audience with limited technical experience.