Thursday, August 1, 2013

AET Week 4 Peer Review

Joe Tatulli’s Stuff ™ Vacations have a very attractive poster. The contrasting adventure types appeal to a wide range of vacation styles. I think it works on a behavioral design level, the images of desirable destinations and people having fun inspires the “must have” feelings.

Reflect – The poster does make me want to travel. I like the idea of combining multiple images to attract many audiences. The application of multiple fonts looks nice. It is a practice that I need to work on and would like to use in my advertisement. The contrast of the images is well laid out. The barren, vibrant desert against the busy dark city and the exciting white water rafting against the calm, relaxing beach scene makes for great counter points.

Inquire – What is the name of the product? Is the Stuff Vacations or Vacation America? Or is Stuff the name of the travel package? The name could be a little clearer. I like the slogan of “Stuff everyone needs” but it leaves the question of what Stuff ™ refers to. What was the reason for the choice of colors for the “Stuff” background? It seems a little out of place. Using colors from the images might make it blend better. The dark blue of the water and raft would be a good start.

Suggest – Maybe instead of the Tourism Council info at the bottom you could explain the Stuff product more. Something like “Vacation America presents: Stuff travel packages” would give a more direct elusion to what Stuff is.

Elevate – The images are beautiful and each one could be its own story. You could expand this project into a line of posters. You could make each image its own poster with a tag line that leads into the next. Then use this poster as the final piece of the line. I know that goes beyond the scope of this project but this poster has the feel of a final portion.

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