Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

WK4 Peer Review

Reflect – I definitely understand the logistical nightmare that comes with juggling family work and school. The concept of not knowing what degree plan you really want to focus on has been a fight I faced as well. There were some clever picture/ voice over unions. I like the picture of the digging dog going along with the voice over of “I had to dig a little deeper”. I am also intrigued by the idea of tying in a day at the amusement park with a class assignment. It makes me want to take another at my own story and iron out the kinks in my audio, and add some movement to my images.

Inquire – With your goal of a Bachelors Degree and you desire to write music what field are you looking at with this degree? Was your goal specifically to get the Degree or is the degree a stepping stone to a career goal.

Suggest – I like the execution of the music in the background. It is the right level and adds an emotional tone to the overall video. Have you considered trying a different emotional tone? Your video covers some hard times and difficult situations that the music fits, but you seem to also have some comedic images and phrases. The mention of a puppy child and salt water tank full of fish makes me laugh. A more light hearted musical background could lighten up the feel of the video.

Elevate – You might be able to expand you digital story to include what got you interested in song writing and what you did to fuel you interest in it between high school and starting at Full Sail. It would also be good to hear how you plan to use the Media Communications degree to make a career in the music field or if you desired field has change you could expand on that.

I would like to say that overall I was very impressed with this project. I felt the voice over was well rehearsed and even throughout the narration. The photos went well with the story and added a great emotional support. I liked the technique of the photos slightly moving, that is something I would like to use on my next project.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

WK3 Project: Digital Story

Hello again. It's been fun watching this project grow. Who knew that taking eight sentence starters would keep us busy for three weeks. For this portion I mostly used more Photoshop, Garageband and Final cut. Garageband was used to record and edit the sound. I thought about going back to edit out the clicking, but then liked the way it fit into the video. The I used Final Cut to add in the before and after credits and and put it all in video format.

Monday, June 17, 2013

WK3 Exploration: Voice Over

This was a fun project. My wife says my "fear" is a little off. I never would have though to embed the audio as apposed to just putting in the link to soundcloud. This is a nice widget and I'm glad it was a requirement for the project.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

WK2 Project: Storyboard

I stepped out of my confort level a little for this project and used a few applications and media tools that are new to me. First was Keynotes, which I was really excited to use. I was a little disappointed however by how similar it is to Power Point. Then to make it worse, I needed to covert it to .ppt to upload it to the slideshare website. I also used a lot of Photoshop, but I am pretty familiar with that program. I used the camera on my phone to snap a few shots for the presentation. Google chrome to search the internet for a few stock photos of schools and military logos. I used Slideshare for the first time and it took me a few minutes to figure out how to get the presentation embedded, but Blogger seems to be a pretty user friendly site so far and I was able to piece it together.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

WK2 Exploration: Visual Communication

The images I chose for this Blog was the Strategy cluster. Most of these were game ideas. The first was Battleship and Connect Four, they are kids games but start the idea of strategy. The next is Sudoku a strategy puzzle game that runs the gambit of difficulty levels. What a lot of people don't realize is that Poker is a lot more about strategy then it is about luck. And finally some books about the military which is all about strategy.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

WK1 Project: Industry Blogs

 Why I Chose:
Comic Book Resources: I liked this one because I read comics but don't always have time to keep up with what is new. This will give me reviews and news on upcoming events.
Film School Rejects: This one was chosen because of my interest in movies. I come across the articles from this blog often on Facebook and usually like the content.
Simply Recipes: I do most of the cooking at my house and love to try new recipes. This blog will give me new items to consider and try out later.
TUAW: This one is an apple product blog. Although I have been a Mac user for a long time before I started at Full Sail, I do like to keep up on rumors and news about their products.

WK1 Project: My MCBS Story

Before I started the MCBS Program I had a varied media experience through hobbies and professional luck. I got interested in the field early; luckily my Junior High school had a limited TV Film Production class. I had always thought I wanted to continue with the media field and got involved in the TV/Film program in my high school. The three years I spent in the much more advanced classes really fostered my love of creating media entertainment. But then I graduated and had to get a job. I spent several years in the US Army but kept my love of media alive through hobbies and side projects. I got involved in theater and learned the arts of lighting and sound. Eventually I joined the US Navy and switched my professional field to Communications. Because of that I was lucky enough to get selected to work on TV distribution equipment and eventually broadcasting. Because of that I got to work side by side with the Journalists and Mass Communications Sailors producing multimedia presentations a wide range of topics from trainings to safety briefs. Because of that my infatuation with all things Media has revived and strengthened. I was at a loss for some time as to which field I wanted to specialize in. Until finally a friend in the Navy was telling me about his application Full Sail University, he knew of my interest in media arts and suggested I look into it the school myself. And ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media I have been excited to explore new media applications and ways to use them. I am happy to have found the Media Communications degree because it gives me the opportunity to cross the media fields and really dabble in all the areas I enjoy.

There really were a lot of tools that went into the making of this project. For the blog itself I used google not only as the blog host but to look up other possible hosts. Microsoft word was used to type up my drafts then I e-mailed them to myself. The story spine was used to get the structure of the story started. For my image I used my iPhone to take the pictures. Photoshop to put it together. Google was used again to get the stock Navy and Full Sail images. In case it lost on anyone the idea is that I am currently trying to juggle my family, school and work.