Thursday, October 24, 2013

WK4 MDC Jump Start

For the majority of customers trying out a new product the companies web site is the first impression. When creating a new web site for a company researching the competition is a good place to start. In the Designing Web Sites tutorial by Sue Jenkins she talks about key points you should look at when checking out the competitors web sites. I will be looking at how it could negatively affect the potential customers opinion of the company.
The first topic is doing a web search for keywords of the competitors. If you skip this step you may leave out words that will lead a customer to your new site. Knowing how a customer will search for you can help you with content descriptions and keywords. Next is narrowing the search to your local area. If you only do national or regional searches you may miss what the company down the street is doing and end up looking to much like theirs or having too similar of a product/service.

Sue Jenkins goes on to talk about setting site goals on having a plan for how the site will look and what it will contain. If you don’t stop to think about who your target audience is and what they will be looking for on your website you may choose the wrong color scheme or offensive wording. Next is content, if you skip the data checklist and just jump in to building the site you may forget some information you wanted to include. Taking the time before to hit all these steps before you post your site could save you from some professional embarrassment and time on rework.

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